The satisfaction of the guests is the goal of every restaurant specialist. That's why a smile on your lips is the most important part of your workwear. First impressions count - as soon as you greet your guests, you want to make them feel comfortable in your care. Our guests are given friendly and competent advice on food and drinks, orders are taken and served.
Vacancies starting immediately or by arrangement:
All positions are currently filled - but please send us your unsolicited application
Application process
- Application
Sending the application - by mail
by phone - call us at 0043 4713 2225 or we will call you back - Job interview: on-site or via Zoom
- Decision - you will receive an answer from us as soon as possible about the decision.
If you are convinced that we fit together, then we should definitely get to know each other. We are already looking forward to your application or a personal visit to us at the Regitnig on beautiful Lake Weissensee. Now it's your turn - we look forward to getting to know you!
Family Eder
Reception Service Kitchen Rooms/Garden Internship Apprenticeship