



It's great that you ended up here!

Michael & Jasmin

We met at tourism school, followed by seasons in the Austrian and international hotel industry - until ‘duty called’! :-).  We got to know it from the ground up - the hotel industry. We had great and not so great experiences, saw a lot and know what is good for a team. And that's exactly what we do here - at the Regitnig. At the beautiful Weissensee. Modern management and staff management, because it's only fun together! We don't like a lot of fuss and fanfare when it comes to our job adverts - so here are the facts about what you can expect from us:

  • Honesty. Respect. Passion. Sustainable planning. Prudent action. Kindness. Fun. Ease. The joy of learning.
  • Salary: We pay collectively, you will always receive your salary on time every month.
  • Services: Always organised. We offer you single hours, by the day, up to 4, 5 or 6 days/week. Seasonal or year-round job. 
  • Team: We are a colourful team of ‘young and wild’, ‘oldies, but goldies’, family managers and singles and we enjoy what we do. We help and stick together. 
  • Board & lodging: If required, we provide double or single rooms including 100% homemade cuisine from our kitchen team free of charge in the morning, at lunchtime, in the afternoon and in the evening.
We could go on and on - but we would be happy to discuss this over a cosy coffee on site or take a look at our employee information! Would you like more information?  Then send us an email to We look forward to hearing from you - see you soon!

Job vacancies: We are looking for new talents!


The Regitnig - YOUR award-winning employer
